We are the kings of clearance

What was that? You wnat to know where to find som Mid WEeek Mega Deals? Look no further. Join us a 1pm this Wednesday and you will be spoilt for choice!

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Bookmark this site

themegatoyauction.uk is where you grab the bargains so make sure you have this site bookmarked for when the shop opens.

Follow and share our socials on Facebook and Tiktok

We are live on Facebook and TikTok. Make sure you follow us and share with all of your friends. The more people who follow, the lower the prices go.

Join us online, grab the bargains, and pay your way

You’ve done the hard bit, now for the fun! Watch the live presentation on Facebook or TikTok. Join in our giveaway competitions and note down the bargains you want. As soon as the live ends, the website opens for you to shop shop shop!

“All my grandchildren’s birthdays are sorted for the year, and I have a lot of them!”

– Laura ~ Minster –

Sneak Preview

Here’s a sneak preview of what we have for you. We’re excited about all of the branded items we have. You won’t believe the prices! 

Remember, the more people who